Imagine Being Born in 1988. Use Our Calculator to See Your Age and What Happened!

Those born in 1988 would be 37 years old today. They've lived through 37 years of remarkable events! Use our age calculator to explore their journey. In 1988, the Iran-Iraq War ended after eight years of conflict. The World Health Organization began its mission to eradicate polio worldwide.

What Major Happened in 1988?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1988 when you were 37 years old.

  1. Pan Am Flight 103 was bombed over Lockerbie, Scotland, killing all 259 people on board and 11 people on the ground.
  2. The first internet virus, the Morris Worm, was unleashed, causing significant disruption to early computer networks.
  3. The Summer Olympics were held in Seoul, South Korea.
  4. The Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) video game console was released in Japan.
  5. The first edition of the Global Burden of Disease study was published.
  6. The Stealth Bomber, also known as the B-2 Spirit, made its first flight.
  7. The World Health Organization declared December 1 as World AIDS Day.
  8. Enzo Ferrari, founder of the Ferrari automobile company, died at the age of 90.
  9. The first version of the Python programming language was released.
  10. The first version of the Python programming language was released.

Find these facts interesting? Use our Calculate Age tool and discover more facts about your birth year and find your age.

Also Checkout, Were You Around for 1989's Big Events? Calculate Your Age and Discover More!