Were You Around for 1989's Big Events? Calculate Your Age and Discover More!

Individuals born in 1989 would be 36 years old today. That's 36 years of witnessing the world change! Use our age calculator to discover how many days, weeks, or even months they've been around. In 1989, the Berlin Wall fell, symbolizing the end of the Cold War. The Tiananmen Square protests in China resulted in a violent crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.

What Major Happened in 1989?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1989 when you were 36 years old.

  1. The Berlin Wall fell, marking the symbolic end of the Cold War.
  2. The Exxon Valdez oil spill occurred, releasing millions of gallons of crude oil into Prince William Sound, Alaska.
  3. The Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing, China, were violently suppressed by the government, resulting in numerous casualties.
  4. The World Wide Web was invented by British computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee.
  5. The first GPS satellite was launched into orbit.
  6. The first episode of 'The Simpsons' aired as a half-hour television series.
  7. The Nintendo Game Boy handheld video game console was released.
  8. The first commercially available version of Adobe Photoshop was released.
  9. The Dalai Lama was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
  10. The Velvet Revolution took place in Czechoslovakia, leading to the overthrow of the communist government.

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Also Checkout, Feeling Nostalgic for 1990? Use Our Calculator to See How Old You Were and What Happened!