Did You Witness History in 1986? Calculate Your Age Now and Find Out!

Individuals born in 1986 would be 39 years old today. That's 39 years of witnessing the world evolve! Use our age calculator to discover how many days, weeks, or even months they've been around. In 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in the Soviet Union, becoming the worst nuclear accident in history. The Space Shuttle Challenger tragically exploded shortly after liftoff.

What Major Happened in 1986?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1986 when you were 39 years old.

  1. The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven crew members on board.
  2. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in Ukraine, resulting in the release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere.
  3. The Hands Across America charity event took place, with millions of people forming a human chain across the United States to raise awareness about homelessness and poverty.
  4. The Voyager 2 spacecraft made its closest approach to Uranus.
  5. The International Court of Justice ruled against the United States in the case Nicaragua v. United States.
  6. The Oprah Winfrey Show premiered on television.
  7. The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) was released in Europe.
  8. The first Super Mario Bros. video game was released.
  9. The World Expo '86 was held in Vancouver, Canada.
  10. The Hubble Space Telescope was launched into orbit aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery.

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Also Checkout, How Many Birthday Candles Did You Have in 1987? Find Out and See Key Events!