Born in 1977? Use Our Calculator to See How Much You've Grown and What Happened!

Individuals born in 1977 would be 48 years old today. That's 48 years of witnessing the world change! Use our age calculator to discover how many days, weeks, or even months they've been around. In 1977, the first Star Wars movie premiered, becoming a cultural and cinematic milestone. The Atari 2600, a popular home video game console, was released.

What Major Happened in 1977?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1977 when you were 48 years old.

  1. The Apple II, one of the first successful personal computers, was released.
  2. Star Wars, directed by George Lucas, was released in theaters, becoming a cultural phenomenon.
  3. The Atari 2600 home video game console was released.
  4. The first personal computer virus, the Creeper virus, was detected.
  5. Elvis Presley died at the age of 42.
  6. The Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft were launched to study the outer planets.
  7. The New York City blackout occurred, resulting in widespread looting and arson.
  8. The Space Shuttle Enterprise made its first test flight atop a Boeing 747.
  9. The first Apple II computers were shipped.
  10. The United States Supreme Court ruled in Wooley v. Maynard that individuals have the right to refuse to display state mottoes on their license plates.

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Also Checkout, 1978 Age Calculator: See How Old You Would Be and Key Events!