Ready for a Blast from the Past? Calculate Your Age and Discover What Happened in 1992!

Individuals born in 1992 would be 33 years old today. That's 33 years of witnessing the world evolve! Use our age calculator to discover how many days, weeks, or even months they've been around. In 1992, the Maastricht Treaty was signed, establishing the European Union. The Los Angeles riots erupted following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King.

What Major Happened in 1992?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1992 when you were 33 years old.

  1. The European Union (EU) was established with the signing of the Maastricht Treaty.
  2. The Maastricht Treaty was signed, leading to the establishment of the European Union.
  3. The Premier League, the top tier of English football (soccer), was formed.
  4. The Space Shuttle Endeavour made its maiden flight.
  5. The Bosnian War began, marking the start of the breakup of Yugoslavia.
  6. The United States Supreme Court ruled in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, reaffirming the Roe v. Wade decision on abortion rights.
  7. The Rodney King riots erupted in Los Angeles, California, following the acquittal of police officers involved in the beating of Rodney King.
  8. The first episode of 'Barney & Friends' aired on television.
  9. The largest mall in the United States, the Mall of America, opened in Bloomington, Minnesota.
  10. The first version of the Linux kernel, version 0.01, was released by Linus Torvalds.

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Also Checkout, Calculate Your Age and Discover What Happened in 1993