How Many Birthday Candles Did You Have in 2005? Find Out and See Key Events!

People born in 2005 would be 20 years old today. They've experienced 20 years of significant moments! Use our age calculator to see exactly how many days, weeks, or even months they've been alive. In 2005, Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast, causing catastrophic damage and loss of life. YouTube was founded, changing how people share and consume video content.

What Major Happened in 2005?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 2005 when you were 20 years old.

  1. YouTube was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen, and Jawed Karim.
  2. Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans and the Gulf Coast of the United States.
  3. Pope John Paul II passed away, leading to the election of Pope Benedict XVI.
  4. The Kyoto Protocol, aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, entered into force.
  5. Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams.
  6. The Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger airliner, made its first flight.
  7. Angela Merkel became the first female Chancellor of Germany.
  8. The London bombings killed 52 people and injured over 700.
  9. The trial of Saddam Hussein began in Iraq.
  10. The discovery of the dwarf planet Eris was announced.

Find these facts interesting? Use our Calculate Age tool and discover more facts about your birth year and find your age.

Also Checkout, Imagine Being Born in 2006. Use Our Calculator to See Your Age and What Happened!