Age Rewinder: See How Old You Were and What Happened in 1999

People born in 1999 would be 26 years old today. They've experienced 26 years of significant moments! Use our age calculator to see exactly how many days, weeks, or even months they've been alive. In 1999, the Euro was introduced as a new currency in Europe. The world prepared for the potential Y2K bug as the millennium approached.

What Major Happened in 1999?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1999 when you were 26 years old.

  1. The euro became the official currency of 11 EU countries.
  2. Napster, the peer-to-peer file-sharing service, was launched.
  3. The Columbine High School massacre occurred in Colorado, USA.
  4. The Matrix was released, revolutionizing special effects in cinema.
  5. The Mars Polar Lander was launched by NASA.
  6. The Euro was introduced as an accounting currency.
  7. The first BlackBerry smartphone was released.
  8. The world population reached 6 billion people.
  9. The first version of the Bluetooth standard was introduced.
  10. Woodstock '99 music festival ended in riots and fires.

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Also Checkout, Time Traveler Tool: Calculate Your Age and Discover Events in 2000