1979 Birthday Calculator: Figure Out Your Age and Major Happenings!

Those born in 1979 would be 46 years old today. They've lived through 46 years of incredible events! Use our age calculator to explore their journey. In 1979, the Iranian Revolution led to the establishment of an Islamic Republic. Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

What Major Happened in 1979?

Below are 10 major events that happened in the year 1979 when you were 46 years old.

  1. The Iranian Revolution led to the overthrow of the Shah of Iran and the establishment of an Islamic republic.
  2. The Three Mile Island nuclear accident occurred in Pennsylvania, United States.
  3. The Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan, beginning the Soviet-Afghan War.
  4. Sony introduced the Walkman, revolutionizing portable music.
  5. The first commercial spaceflight, Soyuz 34, docked with the Salyut 6 space station.
  6. Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  7. The film 'Apocalypse Now' was released.
  8. The first Sony Walkman went on sale in Japan.
  9. The first McDonald's restaurant in Europe opened in the Netherlands.
  10. The Soviet Union launched the space probe Venera 11 toward Venus.

Find these facts interesting? Use our Calculate Age tool and discover more facts about your birth year and find your age.

Also Checkout, Turn Back Time: Calculate Your Age and Learn What Happened in 1980